As Electricity Costs Rise, Solar Panels Become Even Better

Over the past several months, the prices of electricity when looked at the average kilo watt hour costs are starting to rise again. There are many reasons for this, and one might be related to the gradual increase in oil prices again. What is a definite is that when electric prices go up, the investment in a solar panel electric system become even better. It is simple math: if electricity doubles, a solar system will pay for itself twice as fast.
As a homeowner, you can either pay for electricity the old fashioned way and but it through the electric company at their rates and on their rate schedule. Or, you can do what more and more people are doing and produce electricity yourself from a solar panel system.

Solar power is still not cheap, it is an investment, and it will take several years for the project to pay for itself.  What you really want though, is to be sitting back on your couch after it has paid for itself knowing that it will continue to produce electricity for the next fifteen years or more and there is absolutely no cost for that.  As long as the sun keeps shining and you keep cutting back tree branches that would block solar sunlight from hitting the panels, you will be in good shape.

Another MUST DO when Buying Solar Panels:

  1. Be sure to hire a licensed solar installer
  2. Make sure you apply for your solar rebates with the state and local government
  3. Make sure you have a 20 year warranty on the solar panels, that is the industry standard

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