4kW Solar System Output Data for Newark, NJ

City: Newark
State: New Jersey
Lat (deg N):  40.70
Long (deg W): 74.17
Elev (m):  9

PV System Specifications

DC Rating: 4.0 kW (size of the solar system)
DC to AC Derate Factor: 0.770  (this takes into account the expected energy loss from DC to AC)
AC Rating: 3.1 kW
Array Type: Fixed Tilt
Array Tilt: 40.7
Array Azimuth: 180.0  (direction of the solar panels towards the sun)

Energy Specifications
Cost of Electricity: 11.2 cents/kWh

Month / Solar Radiation (kwh/day) /  AC Energy (kWh) per month /  Energy Value in $
January / 3.36 / 331 / 37.07
February / 4.05 / 358 / 40.10
March / 4.58 /  434 / 48.61
April / 4.84/ 424/ 47.49
May / 5.30 / 467 / 52.30
June / 5.33 /  440 / 49.28
July / 5.27 / 445 / 49.84
August / 5.25 / 440 / 49.28
September / 5.06 / 427 / 47.82
October / 4.46 / 402 / 45.02
November / 3.15 / 287 / 32.14
December / 2.87 / 277 / 31.02

Year /  4.46 /4732/ $529.98

The overall annual production of electricity in Newark, NJ would equate to approximately $529 in value for a 4 kW solar electric system that was without shade.  This number does not represent the overall value the system brings, as it does not include SREC values, and it also does not take into consideration any tax credits or rebates that are of additional value to the home owner who purchases the solar system.

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